Satisfied Patients


As the Mayor of Gainesville, GA, Sam was active and constantly on the go, but a slow and steady progression in his lower back pain eventually left him in a debilitated state. When his surgeon, Dr. Betsy Grunch recommended he undergo lumbar total disc replacement with prodisc® L, Sam was ready to go. Hear from Sam about his journey from a pain-diminished husband and father to newly-invigorated man about town in this short video—featuring discussion with his surgeon, Dr. Betsy Grunch.

"I feel like I've got a new lease on life, and I just want to be patient and try to enjoy it as best I can."

~ Sam Couvillon

"I am a walking billboard for Dr. Betsy Grunch because she has changed my life with 2 neurosurgeries!  She performed an artificial disc replacement at C5/C6 and a year later one at L5/S1.  The only other alternative that I was given by another physician was conservative treatment and/or a fusion.  I am a very active 62 year old woman and I wanted to maintain and improve my activity level so I opted for Dr. Grunch's surgical alternative and what a success!  Dr. Grunch is a brilliant and sensitive physician with a kind and caring bed side manner.  Erica, her PA, is also very professional and caring along with the  entire staff.  Hopefully, I have been able to open the door for other "older" people who want to change their lives and live without constant pain."

— Cathy McLendon, 62, Artifical disc patient

"After many years of suffering with back issues that had limited my ability to continue my normal activities and in particular lifiting our latest "grand" addition ( a precious little baby boy), I was determined to seek out a possible solution to my on going back issues.

I sought the counsel of some trusted Medical Center friends to find the perfect neurosurgeon for me. I was pleasantly surprised to learn of Dr. Betsy. Not only does she hold the upmost impressive creditials, but when you meet with her you are even more impressed by her caring.  Dr. Betsy did a thorough exam and ordered several tests before having a meeting to discuss my options. During this process both my husband and I were so impressed with Dr. Betsy's staff and their deep level or concern as well. 

After results found I had very significant issues that could only be resolved with surgery, we made the decision to move forward. Dr. Betsy and her team preformed surgery on me in April 2016. I had a two day, two part surgery in order to complete what I needed. I now have a couple of 14" rods and 25+ screws in my back. With the wonderful after care and physical therapy I can now say I am so very glad I found Dr. Betsy and her team. We now consider them all to be part of  "our family".  I feel great and can now play with our "grands" and even pick up the youngest! 

With our deepest gratitude"

- judi Garofalo, 67, Scoliosis patient

"My name is Rhonda Clark, I am 46 years old and I live in Clermont, Georgia. I had an artificial disc replacement at L-4-5 on March 7, 2017 and artificial disc replacements at C5-6-7 on June 20, 2017.  I was born with genetic scoliosis and have had neck and back issues most of my adult life.  I have been the primary care giver for my special needs son for the past 17 years. In July ‘2016, I began having more and more pain in my back, right leg and neck that would not resolve after chiropractic care, icing and topical creams. After seeing a Neurosurgeon, my primary care doctor, and another chiropractor with no relief, I knew I had to take a new avenue.

My husband is a Firefighter/EMT and he remembered  a co-worker in the past that had similar aliments and had seen a new doctor in our area, Dr. Betsy Grunch, that was a Neurosurgeon.  At my first appointment, I saw Dr. Grunch’s P.A. first, Erica, whom I liked right from the start. She was very kind and ask a lot of questions and seemed genuinely concerned about the issues and pain I was experiencing. Afterwards, Dr. Grunch came in and spoke with me. She too was very kind and seemed genuinely concerned about my issues. She went over my MRI, showed me the areas that were causing my pain and discussed ALL the options I could try to alleviate my pain. I then ask her specifically what she recommended I do. Dr. Grunch recommended I try a shot in my back and some physical therapy to see if either would alleviate my pain. If not, I was to come back and see her to discuss surgical options, so I did just that.

I owe my quality of life to Dr. Grunch, and her staff.  I am PROUD to call Dr. Grunch not only my doctor but my friend. Her work has changed my life and I can NEVER thank her and her staff enough.  Exactly what she told me throughout the surgical process and recovery for both my back and neck is exactly what happened. I did precisely what she told me after each surgery and though it was not easy, I did it anyway; and the results are AMAZING! I Honestly Never thought I would be pain free again in my life, I don’t take any daily medication anymore and I can move with ease again. I am cautious with my movements, but I can basically do whatever I want within reason. Gainesville, Georgia is BLESSED to have a doctor of Dr. Grunch's caliber. I applaud her for her work and her overall kindness and dedication to her patients. Dr. Betsy Grunch, You are my Hero!"

- rhonda clark, 46, artifical disc patient

"How do you show APPRECIATION and say thank you to someone who has saved your life?  Well my thanks to Jehovah God and Dr. Betsy Grunch for saving my life.

I’ve read that 19 people in the U.S. die daily from prescription medications.  Had it not been for Dr. Grunch I could have been one of this number.   I was taking Plavix, prescribed by my cardiologist.  On one Sunday evening I suffered what I will call a “Brain Bleed”.  I can only describe it as feeling a warm liquid flow from my head to my spine, slightly dizzy, no headache, I just didn’t feel quite right.   My husband called 911 and during transport I passed out.  At the ER they immediately gave me a CT scan of my head.  I became unconscious during the ambulance ride.  When we arrived at the hospital the ER Doctor told my husband that the scan revealed a large, left acute subdural hematoma, with mass effect, midline shift, and subfalcine herniation. He could only decipher that I had a brain bleed.  Was this finding a good thing?  He said I would not survive the night.  Dr. Betsy Grunch was on call that night, she agreed with the Emergency Room doctor, I would most likely not survive the night. Plavix has a very nasty problem, it can’t be reversed. Platelet transfusions would help, but due to my religious beliefs I would not take blood or accept blood products.  My husband asked for her to do all she could do to spare my life.  We had presented Dr. Grunch with many big obstacles:

1. I was taking a blood thinner

2. It could not be reversed except with a blood product I could not take.

3. It was an artery that broke, and every minute was valuable

4. Operating on me without blood was going to require a longer surgery with a very real possibly I would die (we did approve of using “cell saver” which recirculates blood lost during the operation back into the body.)  Dr. Grunch did not need to use this because of her meticulous attention to fixing any ‘bleeders’.

It was after over 4 hours of surgery, with Dr. Grunch being 7-1/2 months pregnant, that she could tell my husband I had made it through the operation.  We still had other obstacles to face.  It would take 2 days for the Plavix to “wear off”, only then could I start healing.  The nursing staff and Dr. Grunch were in constant attendance over me. We made it through the next 2 days and now 2-1/2 years later, I still think every day of Dr. Grunch and her selfless actions and care she provided.

Dr. Grunch’s physician assistant, Erica (who was in on my surgery) and Stacey CMA have been outstanding members of her team.  Ever since then they have extended to my husband and me the utmost compassion, courtesy, and medical attention.  In fact, since my surgery, Dr. Grunch fused my husband’s neck and performed two fusions on his back.  The results have been wonderful!"

- Rochelle cooper, 68, acute subdural hematoma


“A lot has changed… one year after my car accident. That night in the ER I was very nervous and didn’t know what would happen to me. That’s when something very lucky happened - you became my doctor! You listened to me and gave me excellent care! It was hard to spend three months in a brace but it was sooo worth it! I was able to continue my 27-year streak of running the (Peachtree Road) Race because of your great care!! I cried as I finished the race because I thought I’d have to give it up. You are an amazing doctor and I am so lucky my accident happened where it did so I could get you as my doctor. Thank you for giving me my life back!”

- Spine Fracture Patient

“It has been exactly two years today since you changed my life. I’m sure you don’t remember me since you change many lives for the better on a daily basis, but I will never forget you. Before you corrected my lower back with a bit of titanium, a bit of cadaver bone and a whole lot of skill, I had zero quality of life. My biggest accomplishment was hoisting myself out of bed in the morning by pulling on a sheet that was tied to the nearest window. I worked each day as a teacher, but I was mostly going through the motions with my students because my focus was always on my back pain. I never mentioned it to my students, but I’m sure my lack of energy was a clue.

Since you corrected my lower back, I am now thriving. Because of you, I’ve lived life to the fullest over the past two years. Here’s a sample of what you’ve allowed me to enjoy doing

  • Hike and climb several miles each day on a two-week western road trip

  • Climb Mt. Yonah

  • Kayak and horseback ride on St. Simons Island

  • Teach night school in addition to day school to help my third child through college

  • Swim laps in the pool

  • Walk the farm with my fav dog

  • Dance with my oldest son at his wedding

I could go on and on about how your skill as a surgeon has turned my life around. Thanks to you, I feel like myself again. I’ve been able to serve Christ like I did in the past. I work with youth, teach VBS, and serve on mission trips with my church… none of this would be possible without you.

I am writing this letter simply to say thank you. I have no doubt that God works through you to change lives. I thank you for being His vessel.

- Spine Patient